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Title Kriss Batik Auto Headshot Pro Player 2022

Title Kriss Batik – As true players of the Point Blank game, players are required to know more about how to choose the right title according to the role and weapons you use when playing PB.

The most popular weapon or weapon among lovers of the Indonesian and world Point Blank games, plus this Kriss Batik weapon has the advantage of Dual mode. The selection of Kriss Batik Titles must be considered so that your game performance is maximized.

Of course, adding the correct Kriss Batik Title will make it easier for you to target the enemy’s head or better known as Headshot. By aiming for the enemy’s head, you will easily and quickly win the battle.

For Point Blank players who have an aggressive playing style or Role Rusher but are still confused about choosing the right Kriss Batik Title to use. Well, you don’t need to worry, because Ulingame has recommended a few select Kriss Batik titles to turn off and of course Auto Headshot.

About Kriss Batik

Weapon Kriss Batik is a weapon that has been around for a long time since Point Blank was developed by Gemscool and until now it is still the most favorite weapon. Weapon Kriss Batik is equipped with a small grip component on the front and the back that can be folded (bend) which can be used as Dual mode. Weapon Kriss Batik has been equipped with 550 Military Dot Sight (Holo) which is used to aim at the direction of the shot.

Kriss Batik Status

Product Specification Kriss Batik

Now for those of you who don’t know the specifications about the Kriss Batik weapon, please read the summary below.

Damage : 21V.Recoil : 48
F.Speed ​​: 93H.Recoil : 48
Accuracy : 59M.Speed ​​: 90
Ammo / Bullets : 40/280Range : 60

Title Kriss Batik Tersakit

Kriss Batik in Point Blank has been named the most powerful weapon, because it has a fairly large accuracy, the bullets are given fast and can be used in single or dual mode. No wonder many Troopers use Kriss Batik as a deadly weapon. Here for players who are confused about finding a Kriss title that is comfortable to use and has deadly damage, please select some of the lists below.

Title Kriss Auto Headshot

Title Auto Headshot

Title Details Rowdy Beast

  • Reduce Long-range Damage Lv 4
  • Reduce Long-Range Damage Lv 4

Detail Info Title Still Assassin

  • Piercing Rate Lv4
  • Reduce RPM capacity down Lv4

Title Details Specialist Trooper

  • Moving Agility Level 2
  • Reduces Falldown Damage Lv1

Deadly Kriss Title

Deadly Kriss Title

Super Explosin Title Detail Info

  • Officer Longe Rang Of Throwing Weapon Lv 1 Larger Range Of Blow Lv 1

Detail Info of Title Top Assail

  • Enhance RPM Lv2
  • Reduce Weapon Control Lv1

Title Details Specialist Trooper

  • Moving Agility Level 2
  • Reduces Falldown Damage Lv1

Title Kriss Pro Player

1. EPiC F1re

Title F1re

Detail Info of Title Top Assail

  • Enhanced RPM Lv 1
  • Reduce Weapon Control Lv 1

Detail Info of Title Sniper Private

Title Details Specialist Trooper

  • Moving Agility Level 2
  • Reduces Falldown Damage Lv1

2. EPiC sMagic

Title Kriss Magic

Super Explosin Title Detail Info

  • Officer Longe Rang Of Throwing Weapon Lv 1 Larger Range Of Blow Lv 1

Detail Info of Title Shot Commander

  • Enhance RPM Control Lv 2
  • Reduces Slower Movement Speed ​​Lv 1

Title Details Specialist Trooper

  • Moving Agility Level 2
  • Reduces Falldown Damage Lv1

The final word

That’s the discussion from Ulingame regarding the combination of Title Kriss Batik Auto Headshot Point Blank. Hopefully, the discussion above can help PB players find the appropriate Kriss Batik Title above. Hope it is useful.

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