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Unique Facts, Skins, and How to Play

To attract players, Free Fire never stops giving updates from the latest characters to the types of weapons available. In 2022, the Thompson rifle became the newest collection of weapons in Free Fire.

Classified as SMG, Thompson gun feels tough for close and far combat. Damage The resulting product also feels strong. As a result, this rifle is often relied on by players who do it rush.

Want to know more complete information about the Thompson rifle? Check out a series of unique facts, skinuntil the following trick to play Thompson on Free Fire.

Unique Facts About Thompson Free Fire Senjata

thompson gun ff

In this first discussion you will get information about 5 unique facts about Thompson’s weapons. What about?

1. One of the Best SMGs in Free Fire

Many call Thompson as one of the best SMG weapons in Free Fire. The nickname is not without reason. Capacity magazine a large one can make it a monster in close and mid-range matches.

On the other hand, this large caliber SMG is also capable of delivering damage strong to the enemy hit by the shot. From that capacity, Thompson is often relied on to suppress the opponent’s defense.

2. stat Thompson Rated Excellent

Thompson’s success in producing damage strong can not be separated from its superior specifications. Try to pay attention to the details stat Thompson below.

  • Damage: 50
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Range: 33
  • Reload Speed: 48
  • Magazines: 42
  • Accuracy: 42
  • Movement Speed: 64
  • Armor Penetration: 0

3. Compatible When Paired With The Following Weapons

In order to outperform the game, try combining Thompson with 4 other Free Fire weapons such as:

  • SCARyou could say that this weapon has damage quite strong. With Thompson, the two can be the right combination to finish off the enemy.
  • Grozaa deadly Assault Rifle weapon that can defeat enemies instantly.
  • M14, This DMR weapon is considered to have range and damage big in its class. He is also considered suitable for targeting enemies who are far away.
  • M82B, referred to as sniper which overpower and more powerful than AWM. Can be used for long range combat.

4. Suitable to be played by these characters

In addition to combining Thompson with other weapons, Thompson’s performance will also be better if played by the right character. So, which characters are considered suitable to play? Thompson gun?

  • Kelly Awakeningown awakening skills make this character able to raise damageit becomes 110% after running 7 seconds. No wonder players call him the most OP character in Free Fire.
  • DJ Alokis a character support who can give heal which is very OP.
  • Nikitahis ability to play SMG weapons makes this character suitable to be paired with Thompson rifles.
  • Jotaa rusher capable of doing healwhen he managed to do kill using SMG.

5. Really Exist in the Real World

The Thompson rifle is not a fictional weapon that only exists in the Free Fire game, you know. In the real world this weapon really exists and was first produced in 1936 in America.

This weapon is named after its inventor, John Taliafero Thompson. During World War II, the Thompson was known as one of the most terrifying weapons. In terms of appearance, this weapon feels heavy when held.

Thompson FF skins

thompson free fire gun

Here are two skins Thompson gun which you can play via Free Fire.

Lucky Koi

Skins the first is Lucky Koi. Comes with dominant orange and yellow colors, skin This comes with stats improvements for Thompson such as:

  • Accuracy (+)
  • Rate of Fire (+)
  • Range (-)

Basically Thompson has rate of fire tall one. By using Lucky Koi, capacity rate of fire Thompson also increased one level and made this weapon faster in deploying weapons.kill enemy.

Another advantage is that it adds quality accuracy as much as 1 point. This is of course advantageous for players because Thompson’s level of accuracy is less qualified.

Sadly range Thompson will be reduced to require you to fight at close range.

Time Traveler

Choice skin Thompson FF senjata gun Next up is Time Traveler. Skins this will give increments and decrements on the part:

  • Reload Speed ​​(+)
  • Range(+)
  • Magazines (-)

Own rate of fire height is a distinct advantage of Thompson. Combination rate of fire high with extra range from skin Time Traveler made Thompson’s performance even better on the field. The reason is, Thompson’s range of shots is wider than before.

Capacity addition reload speed also considered profitable for the players. While the reduction in magazine will not have a significant impact because the amount of ammunition that can be accommodated is quite large.

Tricks to Play Free Fire Using Thompson Weapons

thompson ff gun pictures

Already know how to play using Thompson effectively? If not, follow these three tricks.

1. Avoid Long Range Combat

As an SMG weapon, the Thompson is very effective when used for short-range combat. If the enemy is out of range, do not rush to shoot because it will be useless. Conversely, Thompson can be a mainstay for players who will do rush.

2. Play Safely

Thompson does have counter deadly. But that can’t be a reason for you to play as you please. As much as possible pay attention to your movements and keep playing safe so you can win.

3. Use These Three Character Combos

To create a barbaric game using Thompson, try using three character combos such as:

  • Nikita + Kelly + Jota + Andrew
  • Jota + Antonio + Hayato + Andrew
  • Pet Panda + Jota + Miguel + DJ Alok

This is an explanation of Thompson gun in Free Fire. For those of you who need extra diamonds to buy characters, skinor exclusive items, please do diamond top-up here.

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