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New Hero Has Been Released! This is the Painful Melissa Build, MLBB Games

Right on February 23, 2022, Moonton officially released the newest Marksman hero, Melissa, on the Original Server. Melissa herself is a hero with a specialist Reap/Damage. Not much different from other heroes, Melissa has 3 main skills and also 1 passive skill. But as usual, Moonton always gives unique values ​​to the newest heroes released, one of which is Melissa’s hero.

Yep, Melissa is described as a teenage woman who has special abilities in controlling fudu dolls. No one can touch him with every ability he has. This is certainly also realized by Moonton in his game play. So, on this occasion. will thoroughly discuss every ability and also Build Melissa is sick in the game Mobile Legends 2022.

So for those of you who want to buy this hero but are still confused about the ability and the right build series, you must read this review without missing any discussion!

A. Melissa, Hero Marksman with Deadly Attack Ability


One thing you should know about Melissa’s hero is that she has a very good Offense ability from each of her skills. In fact, you could say Melissa’s Offense ability is higher than other Marksman or Assassin heroes.

Well, to get this Melissa hero, you can buy it with 32,000 BP or the equivalent of 599 Diamond. So make sure that you have done a Mobile Legends diamond top up so you can have it.

Well, before we get into the discussion about the sick Melissa build in Mobile Legends, we will first discuss every skill that Melissa has.

B. Explanation of Melissa’s Mobile Legends Skill

Melissa is equipped with great skills, such as: Doll Buster, Falling!, Eyes on You!, and also Go Away!

1. Passive Skill: Doll Buster

With Melissa’s passive ability, she can give 150% damage extra to Minions as well as summoned units.

2. Skill 1: Falling!

With this ability, Melissa will jump forward and will increase Attack Speed it for 3 seconds and will reduce Cooldown each skill lasts 1.2 seconds if Melissa gives damage to the opponent.

3. Skill 2: Eyes on You!

With this ability, Melissa will deploy her Muddles to hold back any opponent who tries to advance. These mudddles will later provide damage additional 250 (+80% Total Physical ATK) on every first hit and will connect to surrounding opponents for up to 6 seconds. The connected opponent will also get the effect slow by 60% which will decrease for 1.5 seconds and can unlink by getting out of Muddles’ coverage area.

The cooldowd of this skill is also very fast, so you can take advantage of it to attack your opponent. In addition, this attack can be combined with Melissa’s 1st skill. If Melissa moves using her 1st skill, then automatically the area of ​​Muddles will also move 1 step further in front of Melissa.

4. Ultimate Skill: Go Away!

Well, what makes Melissa’s hero special is her Ultimate ability, where Melissa can create a wall of a protective area that surrounds Melissa for 4-5 seconds. As long as the protective area is active, enemy heroes will not be able to approach Melissa because every opponent who tries to approach her, she will be bounced back so that the opponent has no chance to attack.

Just like skill 2, this Ultimate ability can be combined with Melissa’s skill 1. So every move of Melissa with skill 1 will also move Melissa’s Cuddles protector. So you can use it as a form of self-defense.

C. Melissa’s Combo Attack

To do a Melissa combo attack, first you can cast 2 Melissa skills that can give Damage Hit In addition to the opponent, then you can activate Melissa’s Ultimate to defend against the opponent’s attack and take advantage of Melissa’s 1st skill to move position to a safer and more effective area to attack.

So if sorted like this:

Skill 2 > Skill 3 (Ultimate) > Skill 1

D. Build Melissa Hurts in Mobile Legends

Build Melissa
Build Melissa

Can be seen in the image above is the sickest Melissa build that you can use in the game. For an explanation of these items are as follows:

  • Swift Boots: With this one boot item, Melissa will get additional attributes in the form of +40 Movement Speed and +15% Attack Speed.
  • Windtalker: This item will increase Melissa’s Movement Speed ​​and attack speed. And later he will get +40% Attack Speed, +20% Movement Speed, and +10% Crit Chance.
  • Demon Hunter Swords: With this item, Melissa will get extra +35 physical attack, +35% movement speed. Then, the passive effect of this Demon Hunter Sword is to add 60 damage against forest monsters and give 9% Damage of the remaining HP, meaning that no matter how large the enemy’s HP will still be lost every time it is hit by a normal hit when dealing with items DHS this.
  • Scarlet Phantoms: This item can increase Melissa’s critical attack, besides that her attack speed will also increase. With this item, Melissa will get +30% Physical Attack, +20% Attack Speed, and +25% Crit Chance.
  • Blade of Despair (BOD): With this BOD, Melissa will get extra +160 Physical Attack and additional attributes +5% Movement Speed. Then for the Unique Passive of BOD In this case, every opponent who has HP below 50% will increase Physical Melissa is as big as 25%. Certainly very suitable for overcoming opponents who have thick HP.
  • Wind of Nature: With this item, Melissa will get extra +10 Physical Attack and additional attributes +25% Movement Speed and +15% Physical Lifesteal. Then for the Unique Passive of WON With this, Melissa can withstand all types of physical attacks for 2 seconds, meaning that physical attacks do not work. You can combine this with the Ultimate skill that Melissa has.

Well, as an option, you can replace the WON with an item Rose Gold Meteor or Immortal yes.

E. Recommendations for the Right Emblem Setting for Melissa

Melissa's Emblem
Melissa’s Emblem

To support the 2022 build of Melissa, you also need to use the right Emblem settings. Well, you can use the emblem settings from Custom Marksman Emblem.

F. Recommended Battle Spells Suitable for Melissa

Using the right build and emblem will be in vain if you don’t use the right Battle Spell for Melissa. So, here are some lists of the right Battle Spells for Melissa

1. Inspire


Inspire to be battle spells the first order that is suitable for use by Melissa. This hero relies heavily on critical abilities and attack speed in attacking. And as you know, if battle spells This Inspire can provide special additional capabilities in these two things. So spell this is perfect for Melissa to use.

2. Flicker


Next there is Flicker. With Battle Spell With this, you can perform surprise attacks easily or escape from the pursuit of your opponent. Yes, even though Melissa has Ultimate skillsbut still less effective because Melissa can only jump with a short distance range.


That’s a little discussion about the sick Melissa build in Mobile Legends that you can use in the game. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends!

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