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MAG-7 FF, the newest shotgun with the most bullets

Beginning of 2022, Free Fire again shocked the world battle royale games by launching MAG-7 FF. Not only provided damage large, the weapon also has fire rate and range tall. Because of these advantages, MAG-7 is predicted as a new meta in Free Fire.

In terms of appearance, the MAG-7 has a unique shape with a shorter barrel size. Overall, the size of this weapon is quite small. However, that’s what makes the MAG-7 more agile than shotgun others in Free Fire.

You want to know more information about MAG-7? Come on, continue reading the article!

About Weapon FF MAG-7

weapon ff mag 7

In the real world, MAG-7 is a pump action shotgun issued by Techno Arms PTY South Africa. This weapon was first produced in 1995 for close combat with five rounds in one magazine.

Meanwhile, MAG-7 in Free Fire becomes shotgun the newest in 2022 which features eight bullets in one magazine. With that number of bullets, you have many opportunities to shoot accurately.

In addition to having more bullets, the MAG-7 is also equipped with muzzle. This attribute makes it capable of reaching mid-range combat. Besides, MAG-7 has speed reload 55 and accuracy 10—like shotgun M1887.

Choice Skins MAG-7 FF

skin mag 7 ff

In order to increase his ability, shotgun need skin which can give the best effect. In this case, the MAG-7 is provided with two options skinnamely Hurricane and Executioner.

1. Hurricane

Hurricane is the first skin of MAG-7 which is able to increase reload speed and range weapon. Unfortunately, accuracy shotgun you have to decrease when skin it is activated.

To buy skin Hurricane, player can use 40 diamonds. Top up diamonds can be done on the site of digital product providers and online gamesuch as UniPin.

After getting diamonds, you must access the “Shop” on games Free Fire. If you have entered the “Shop” page, look for the “New” or “Crates” menu. Then, exchange 40 diamonds with at least one gun skins Hurricane.

You have a 25% chance to get the Hurricane skin permanently. If it’s permanent skin can be used on Weapon Armory Free Fire.

2. Executioner

Executioner is skin the latest MAG-7 that shifts the position of the Hurricane. Skins it was released in February 2022 via Luck Weapon Royale.

The statistics brought by the Executioner include the addition of damageand magazine—one level each. However, skin it reduces reload speed so that player takes a lot of time to reload bullets.

Tips on Using FF MAG-7 Weapons

shotgun mag7 ff gambar image

Weapons are complementary attributes that help players kill enemies quickly. Meanwhile, the player’s victory in the arena depends on how to use the weapon. Therefore, you need to apply the following tips to easily win the game.

1. Use Weapons for Early and Late Game

After being tried by several player, MAG-7 FF senjata weapon considered effective for use in Early and Late Game modes. However, in this case, players must dare to play bars or aggressive. This means that you can attack without having to wait for the enemy to approach.

2. Match with the Right Character

If the weapon is in the hands of the right character, its function will be even more deadly. Well, specially MAG-7 FF, you must pair it with the Chrono character. Why Chrono?

First, Chrono has skills shield that can protect against enemy attacks. So, you can attack several enemies at close range without having to be afraid of getting shot.

Second, Chrono has movement speed which increases with each level skills-his. With movement speed With this, Chrono is able to shoot quickly and be more agile in avoiding enemy attacks.

3. Maximize Weapons for Melee

Despite having a muzzle, the MAG-7 is more optimally used at close range. That’s because MAG-7 has damage and fire rate very high guns as well as eight bullets. That way, you can use it to kill all enemies at close range.

4. Use Foregrip and Stock

Under certain conditions, shotgun should be used for medium and long range shooting. In order to increase the accuracy, you can take advantage of foregrip attachments. Meanwhile, to stabilize the wobble when shooting, use stock attachments.

5. Use Caroline’s Character to Rush

Rush is a pattern gameplay which bars to suppress enemy defenses. In doing rush, you must know the exact whereabouts of the enemy. Once the enemy is detected, player must kill him quickly.

Since it requires fast movement, you can do rush with Caroline’s character. The reason is, this character’s speed increases by up to 8% when holding shotgun.

Not only that, Caroline can also do jump shot, strafeshotrun away, and chase quickly when rush. In fact, Caroline is able to shoot enemies non-stop at close range.

Advantages of Using MAG-7

mag7 ff senjata weapon

Last year, the M1887 was still a favorite weapon for Free Fire players. However, in 2022, a number of advantages provided by MAG-7 made some of them turn away.

Here are some of the advantages of using MAG-7 FF what you should know.

  1. Addition attachment silencer, muzzleand foregrip on shotgun this makes it able to accommodate up to 12 bullets in 1 magazine.
  2. MAG-7 is a weapon that is easy to find when you compete.
  3. fire rate MAG-7 is almost on par submachine so that it occupies the highest position in Free Fire. So, you can also use it for long-range combat.
  4. The MAG-7’s design is more compact than the shotgun others in Free Fire. Because of that, agility MAG-7 increases when player
  5. Movement speed reaches 62 so that it increases when paired with characters that have skills move quickly.

Thus a brief discussion about MAG-7 FF, skin, advantages, and how to use them. Are you interested in owning the MAG-7? Do it right away top-up diamond on digital product provider sites and online gameone of which is UniPin.

Usually, UniPin presents interesting promos for purchases diamonds FF at certain moments. In addition, you can also listen to various news about games on line more and picture shotgun MAG-7 FF on certain characters.

What are you waiting for? Visit UniPin now and top up diamond as much as possible!

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