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How to Play Impostor in Among Us . Game

Many of you must have hoped to become an Impostor while playing the Among Us game. The Impostor character is indeed a character that many Among Us players covet, because we can kill other players at will by using this character.

The tasks obtained by impostors are also relatively easy, they only need to kill other players before the mission they are running is complete. However, the act of murder committed by an Impostor should not be done arbitrarily, you need a careful plan so that your position as an impostor is not known by other players.

In this post, I will explain some of the things you can do when you become an impostor. I have tried all of the methods listed in this post, and most of them are successfully used.

Without further ado, just take a look at the following discussion.

1. Pretend To Complete Missions Like A Crewmate

Impostor will be easily caught if his movements are suspicious from the start. Therefore, as much as possible you have to improvise so that every action you take is not easily suspected by other players.

Improvisation that you can do is to imitate the actions taken by the crewmate. For example, such as visiting a room, then pretending to complete a mission, like a
crewmate. Keep on improvising until you get the right moment to kill.

Improvisation is important, because once the discussion begins you can easily make excuses to trick the rest of the team. That way, other players will definitely not be suspicious if it turns out that you are the impostor.

2. Don’t just enter the vent

is a special path that can only be traversed by impostor.
Vent usually used by impostor after committing a murder, the goal is none other than to eliminate the traces.

Vent it is very effectively used to remove traces, but if you do not use it carefully, then your position as an impostor will be known easily.

One of the things you should do is pay attention to the area around you before going inside vent. Make sure the area is safe first, because if anyone sees you go inside
ventthen your career is over as a impostor.

3. Watch CCTV

When you become an impostor, you should know which parts are visible on CCTV. Avoid the room that is visible on CCTV so that the murder you committed is not seen by anyone.

If you don’t remember which parts were seen by CCTV, then the first thing you have to do is check the room
security. If there are a lot of players in the room, I suggest you don’t do your action first.

4. Do Sabotage To Make Action Easy

Sabotage is important to do so that other players cannot complete the mission easily. One of the things I often did when I was an impostor was to turn off the lights. If the light is off, the impostor can perform its actions without anyone knowing.

However, when the lights go out, crewmate will gather in one place to fix the light problem. Therefore, as much as possible kill one of them before the lights can be brought back to life.

5. Establish Cooperation Between Importers

As much as possible maintain communication with fellow impostor. If your impostor friend starts to corner someone during a discussion, then help him to make his plan work.

However, if in the next discussion the guise of your friends begins to appear, then start to be selfish. Don’t let other players start to realize that you are another impostor just because you are constantly siding with your fellow impostors.

This fifth method is very difficult to implement if you don’t use Discord when playing Among Us. Therefore, I put this method at the very end, because it is difficult to implement.

Those are 5 things you can do when you become an Impostor in the Among Us game. Have you ever done these five things? Write your answer in the comments column.

Thank you


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