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The Meaning of Free Fire Elements, Here's the Explanation

Meaning of Free Fire Elements — Maybe a lot of survivors are awkward with elemental tokens in Free Fire. The problem is that in the events that are happening now at Free Fire, all of them are actually tied to each other, for example the beach party event, the Free Fire element token event, the FF booyah report event and the Free Fire brick warrior. Let’s take the example of the free fire booyah report. In the booyah report event, you can claim Free Fire element tokens. But the problem is, the element token in Free Fire will be clearly different depending on your entire match history on Free Fire. Read also: Brick Warrior Free Fire.

FF Element Meaning

The problem is that we found some claiming Flames element tokens, Ocean element tokens, lighting element tokens, and Earth element tokens. A new problem arises here, what does the Free Fire element mean? There are Flames / Fire, Ocean / Water, Lighting / Lightning, and Earth / Land. If you look at it, it’s like Naruto and Avatar which combines stories with natural elements. We ourselves are clearly still groping about the meaning of this Free Fire element. If you know please help us back.

Meaning of Free Fire Elements

What does the Free Fire element actually mean? Maybe that’s a question that pops up in your mind as a Free Fire player. We ourselves are also trying to find the meaning of the Free Fire element. However, if you look at your character playing Free Fire, maybe you can deduce the meaning of this Free Fire element. Read also: How to Get Straw Hat Free Fire.

Looking at the characteristics of natural elements, for example the Flames Free Fire element. Flames or fire is a natural element that is very powerful, has an aggressive nature, and is deadly. So if you claim the Free Fire flames element token, it might mean that you are playing very aggressively, your kill count is above average, for example, you always fail when playing. Out of 10 games, maybe 9 of them you fail all. To check the meaning of this Free Fire element, you must see all of your Free Fire stats in your report. From there you can understand the meaning of the Free Fire element.

For other Free Fire elements, such as Ocean, Lighting and Earth, that means we also think that you just need to adjust your Free Fire statistics to slow down your report. For example, if you have a lot of def, calm, and only a few kills, you might claim that they are Free Fire earth element tokens. Yes, more or less so in our view.

What Does Free Fire Element Mean?

We implicitly conclude that the meaning of the Free Fire element is a statistical overview of all your matches over the past year. So that later will be the difference between one player and another player in Free Fire in terms of claiming the FF element token.

That’s our information about meaning of Free Fire elements. I hope you can accept the explanation. Read also: Beach Chairs at Free Fire.

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