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How to Make Your Own Mobile Legends Squad

How to Make a Mobile Legends Squad – I used to share a tutorial on Mobile Legends tips on how to create a moonton account in Mobile Legends. Now on this occasion I will again share a tutorial that is still related to Mobile Legends, namely how to make a squad in the Mobile Legends game. I made this tutorial for those of you who may still be confused about how to make a squad in Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends is a MOBA-based multiplayer online battle arena game that can be played on Android and IOS platforms. The game developed by Moonton is now one of the most played games on the Playstore. What’s more, Mobile Legends game play is quite interesting, where we will be one of the players from the 5 Vs 5 team who destroy each other’s turret. And we can freely choose the hero we will use to play.

Like other online games, Mobile Legends also has a clan or guild called Squad, this squad that we can enter to be able to play with other members. Besides just being a member, we can also become a Leader by creating the squad itself. However, making a Squad in Mobile Legends can only be done using diamonds, so it can’t be free. The cost to make a Squad in Mobile Legends is 199 diamonds, or if converted into maybe around Rp. 50 thousand.

If you want to buy diomonds to make a Squad in Mobile Legends, I suggest you to Because there if we buy diamonds at a price of Rp. 60 thousand we will get 220 diamonds. And that number is enough even more to be able to make Squad Mobile Legends. Well, for a tutorial or example of how to make a squad in Mobile Legends, see below.

How to Make a Squad in Mobile Legends Game

1. First, make sure your diamonds meet the requirements to make Squad Mobile Legends, which is 199 diamonds, if not, please buy or read how to buy cheaper Mobile Legends diamonds. And make sure you don’t join any squad, if you enter, please leave.

2. Then please enter the Squad menu, then enter the “Make a Squad“. There, please select the Squad country, enter the name of the squad (minimum 6 letters maximum 16), the squad abbreviation (minimum 2 letters maximum 6 letters), and for declarations, please also fill in. The declaration section can be changed later after completing the squad. Examples include below this.

3. If everything is correct and sure, please click “For“, if you are warned about the cost of manufacture please click “ok“.

Well, the squad can only be searched for or shared via ID and cannot be searched by name. In addition, you can also invite friends or other players into your squad.

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