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Build X.Borg Sick 2022 Top Global | Items, Emblems, Spells

Build X Borg hurts 2022 – X.Borg is a fighter hero in Mobile Legend with excellent durability thanks to the passive Firaga Armor. The effect of this Firaga Armor will give X.Brog two HP bars, thus making X.Borg difficult to kill.

In skill 1 (Fire Missiles), X.Borg can provide DPS to enemies with a large area. In addition, the ultimate skill, Last Insanity, has high Brust Damage to kill several opposing heroes at once.

Well, for those of you who want to use X.Borg, but don’t know the latest build item. Let’s look at the recommendations for the sickest and strongest X.Borg build along with emblems to battle spells that are often used by top global and pro players

Build X.Borg Sick 2022

The build of this sick X.Borg item relies on the War Ax item at the beginning of the match, then Immortal and Brute Force become very effective items to increase the durability of X.Borg. Then, BoD will give high Physical Attack.

  • Warrior Boots: Adds 40 Movement Speed ​​and 22 Physical Defense. X.Borg will increase Physical Defense by 5 to 25 points every time it receives a Basic Attack, this effect lasts 3 seconds.
  • War Axes: Gives 550 HP, 55 Physical Attack and 10% Cooldown Reduction. Dealing damage to enemies will increase 8 Physical Attack and 4 Physical PEN for 3 seconds, up to 8 Stacks. When the stack is full it will increase 20% Movement Speed.
  • Immortals: This item increases 800 HP and 40 Physical Defense. Resurrects after being eliminated after 2.5 seconds and gains 15% HP and Shield 220 – 1200 (3 seconds). Passive Immortality has a Cooldown of 210 seconds.
  • Bloodlust Ax: This item will add 70 points of Physical Attack, 10% Cooldown Reduction and 20% Spell Vamp.
  • Brute Force Breastplate: Gives 770 HP and 45 Physical Defense. Basic Attacks or skills that hit the opponent will increase 3% Movement Speed ​​and 4 Physical & Magical Defense. This effect can be stacked up to 5 and last 4 seconds.
  • Blade of Despair: Increases 160 Physical Attack and 5% Movement Speed. This passive item will increase 25% Physical Attack when attacking an opponent with HP below 50% (2 seconds).

Build X.Borg Top Global

  • Tough Boots: Increases 40 Movement Speed ​​and 22 Magical Defense. Reduces Crowd Control effect time by 30%.
  • Bloodlust Ax: This item will add 70 points of Physical Attack, 10% Cooldown Reduction and 20% Spell Vamp.
  • Immortals: This item increases 800 HP and 40 Physical Defense. Resurrects after being eliminated after 2.5 seconds and gains 15% HP and Shield 220 – 1200 (3 seconds). Passive Immortality has a Cooldown of 210 seconds.
  • War Axes: Gives 550 HP, 55 Physical Attack and 10% Cooldown Reduction. When X.Borg deals damage to enemies, it will increase 8 Physical Attack and 4 Physical PEN for 3 seconds, up to 8 Stacks. When the stack is full it will increase 20% Movement Speed.
  • Hunter Strikes: Gives 80 Physical Attack, 10% Cooldown Reduction and 15% Physical PEN. This passive item will increase 60% Movement Speed ​​(3s) when dealing damage 5 times in a row.
  • Brute Force Breastplate: Gives 770 HP and 45 Physical Defense. Basic Attacks or skills that hit the opponent will increase 3% Movement Speed ​​and 4 Physical & Magical Defense. This effect can be stacked up to 5 and last 4 seconds.

Read also: Build Alucard Sick 2022

X.Borg Emblem

  • Custom Fighter: With this custom fighter emblem, you will get additional points of Physical Attack, HP, Physical and Magical Defense. The Talent Festival of Blood will give X.Borg an additional 8 – 20% Spell Vamp.

Battle Spell X.Borg

  • Flickers: Teleport in a certain direction to get past obstacles, after which it increases Physical and Magical Defense briefly.

Skill X.Borg

Passive X.Borg – Firaga Armor

X.Borg has 2 HP bars, his own HP bar, and his Firaga Armor, both of which limit 50% of his maximum total HP.

Firaga Armor X.Borg inherits his own Max HP and takes all damage to X.Borg when active. When Firaga’s Armor is destroyed, X.Borg will release his armor and roll towards the joystick, becoming temporarily immune to damage upon releasing and entering the Armorless State.

X.Borg and Basic Attack skills will heat up enemies and cause a temperature bar to appear next to them. When they reach their highest temperature, they will drop Firaga Supplies that X.Borg can pick up. Taking Firaga’s Supplies restores 10% of X.Borg’s Armor HP in Firaga Armor State and 15 energy in Armorless State.

Armorless Status: Basic Attack becomes long-range, Fire Missiles and Fire Stake adjusted, and X.Borg becomes unable to cast Last Insanity during Armorless State.

He is able to regenerate his armor energy while in Armorless State by taking Firaga Supplies and when his energy becomes full, he will re-equip his Firaga Armor, restore Firaga Armor’s HP according to 30% of his total Max HP and restore Fire Missiles and Fire Stake to its normal state while being able to cast Last Insanity again.

Skill 1 X.Borg – Fire Missiles

X.Borg activates a flamethrower and shoots in a designated direction, continuously dealing 30 – 100 (+50% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage for 2 seconds. Enemies that reach their highest temperature will receive True Damage in return and will be slowed by 10%.

Armorless State: X.Borg adjusts flamethrower to a narrower angle and longer range, but reduces damage to only 60% of damage than in Firaga Armor State or 18 – 60 (+30% Total Physical Attack ) Physical Damage.

Skill 2 X.Borg – Fire Stake

X.Borg fires 6 Fire Stakes at the edge of the fan-shaped area and charges it for 1.7 seconds, after which the stakes are brought back to his body. Each stake deals 50 – 100 (+20% Total Physical Attack ) points of Physical Damage to enemies in its path and pulls them back. If Fire Stake hits Firaga Supplies in its path, Fire Stake will take it back as well.

Armorless Status: X.Borg adjusted Fire Stake Launcher to send stakes further and shorten the distance between stakes.

Ultimate Skill X.Borg – Last Insanity

X.Borg charges forward in the designated direction and fires fire around the area for 3 seconds, continuously dealing 200 – 300 (+100% Extra Physical Attack ) points of Physical Damage and slowing enemies by 25%. If he hits an enemy hero during charge, he will stop charging and slow down the target by 40% while slowing himself down gradually.

He will then self-destruct, dealing 300 – 700 + 15% of the target’s Max HP points of True Damage to nearby enemies and destroying his Firaga Armor, immediately entering the Armorless State.

Use again: X.Borg immediately ends fire spray and self-destructs immediately.

Well, that’s the top global 2022 X.Borg build along with the best emblems and battle spells. The X.Borg build recommendation, of course, you can still customize according to the opponent you are facing. Well, that’s the article this time and I hope it’s useful.

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