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Build and Function of Power Core in Marvel Super War

As a newly released MOBA game, there are still many players who do not know more about this very popular game among Marvel lovers. Well, if previously Upoint had introduced the strongest heroes and selected heroes that could be your favorites. This time, we will introduce other elements in Marvel games that you should know.

One element that is quite interesting in this Marvel Super War game is the Power Core. If you are still confused, this Powercore concept is similar to the emblem in Mobile Legends. 

The difference is, the Power Core has a variety of unique functions. In fact, the Power Core is taken from the Infinity Stones. You can also top-up points first so you can have a cool build in Marvel Super war.

What are the forms of the Power Core and what are their functions? Here see the full article!

List of Power Core Builds and Functions in Marvel Super War

Space Stone - Psionic Mark

This blue Space Stone Power Core gives a Psionic Mark effect, generally, this Isotope is used by tanks and fighters. Periodically, Psionic Mark can provide additional damage from attacks.

Now for Tankers, this Isotope combination must be balanced with a Module Program that is also defensive. You can also add Protection Module, Burst Particle, or Vitality Boost. 

Meanwhile, for fighters, it is highly recommended to take another Module that can add damage or mobility. You can also have this Space Stone, but make sure first to top up point!

Mind Stone - Heart of the Defender

For Support, it is imperative to wear a yellow Isotope. Because the Heart of the Defender effect brought by Mind Stone is very useful to support Carry players.

Every Shield effect or other buff for team members will cause a very useful level of damage ability.

Alternatives that can be chosen from this stone are Restoration Module and Spell Cast Boost. To increase damage, you can also use Particle Suppression so you can get a buff every time you roam.

Reality Stone - Swift Pummel

For those of you who like to use Assassin, Fighter, or Marksman heroes, you can use Swift Pummel. Because the effect is this red Isotope will provide additional attack speed for each of your spells about the enemy.

Besides being very useful when fighting, Swift Pummel is also very useful for jungling. You can issue a spell every time you fight forest monsters and get additional attack speed to finish them off. In this way, the jungling process will be fast and efficient.

Power Stone - Cosmic Vortex

Generally, Cosmic Vortex is an Isotope that is suitable for Energy-type Heroes. even so, some Marksman can also use this Power Core. Heroes who have the ability to throw skills at the enemy and also have control can use this purple Power Core.

Time Stone - Unstable Radiation

Time Stone is very suitable for use by various roles such as Assassins, Marksman and Energy-type Heroes who have burst abilities. Because this Isotope has the potential to kill enemies quickly, it is very suitable to connect it with the Restoration Module so that our Hero can get additional HP every time he gets a kill.

Soul Stone - Time Lag

If you like to use Assassin-type heroes, there is also an orange Isotope which will cause time lag. Every time it manages to deal massive damage of more than 30% HP, there will be a very large slow effect.

Apart from Assassin, there are other heroes who can provide burst damage and really need this Isotope. For example, Energy heroes like Storm can also use Time Lag to slow down enemies. Remember that the damage inflicted must be large so that the Soul Stone is not suitable for heroes who need high attack speed.

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